所有年鉴课程都可以作为美术学分. 学生在报名时必须向辅导员说明此意向. 年鉴班的学生必须参加他们被分配报道的事件.
(9 - 12年级)
学分:1 (4.评分)
This course will teach the production of a school yearbook and will develop general publishing skills. 作为年鉴编辑的一员, 学生将学习年鉴制作的所有阶段:设计, 布局, 摄影, 拷贝写作, 伦理与编辑. 年鉴的设计和出版过程是通过在线计算机程序完成的. 学生 will take on a variety of roles and responsibilities in order to cover and include in the yearbook all of the diverse students and activities that take place throughout the school year. 这门课程需要注意细节和自我激励. 学生 are expected to make an after school and weekend time commitment to this class to produce the SHG 年鉴. 学生也将被要求参加课外活动来完成必修的课程作业.
(10 - 12级)
学分:1 (5.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 年鉴》我; B average in all prior yearbook courses; 应用程序
年鉴二世, 3, and IV are for students who excelled in 年鉴》我 and are committed to being an integral part of the yearbook staff. [1] 这门课程可以设计成独立学习. 学生们将监督年鉴I,并作为一个团队来设计和制作年鉴. 学生还负责策划内容, 指定主题, 设计截面模板, 索引, 监控所选专业的最后期限和编辑. 这门课程需要注意细节和自我激励. 学生 are expected to make an after school and weekend time commitment to this class to produce the SHG 年鉴. 学生也将被要求参加课外活动来完成必修的课程作业.